Typographic Fundamentals - 4VC003

Screen work and final designs:

An early version of my introductory double page spread, i like the layout of the left-hand page but i do not like the placement of the column on the right-hand page, as it doesn't align well with the rest of the design.

My own illustartion for the front cover: Although it doesn't have much relevance to the zine, i wanted to empasise that the 'zine' has been produced by students in the School of Art and Design. I feel that it makes the cover more creative and it may also make the reader more inquisitive to the content of the zine.

The final designs for my zine.

Thumbnails and visuals:
I have produced many thumbnails detailing my ideas for the 'zine' project. I found using thumbnails and visuals helpful as when working on screen i could produce some effective layouts. Here are some examples of the work i have produced leading up to my final designs:

Some visuals for the introductory 'Hello and Welcome' double page spread. I was trying to visualise how to arrange the body text into columns and fit them arrand the heading. I was also experimenting with how to incorporate images into the spread.

Thumbnails for the front cover: showing various layouts and how to arrange the image and heading.

A pen drawing i did for the front cover (which i have explained above) I really like this illustration and i feel that it emphasises other qualities other than design.

Some 'Zine' designs:

Hopefully you can see what i've been doing in my layouts, as my camera has decided to break I'm trying to use my phone - which has no flash :(. I have been working out various double spread layouts, using different combinations of serif and non-serif typefaces, and different placements of headings and text-bodies.

Some more initial design ideas:

Wrong way round! These are some of my initial ideas about paragraph and heading styles.  

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